Tuesday, 8 May 2007

We've lost some weight...

... AAAACCKK!!!! Well, as of Miami, our group is exactly 100 lbs lighter... United Airlines decided to leave two of our bags in Denver. After filing a lost baggage claim and making several phone calls from Miami Int'l, it sounds as though Brad's bag of gear and the duffle bag with all of Todd's clothes will be meeting us in La Paz. Which would be a good thing, or we will be doing a ton of sightseeing and NO climbing!!


Capt Pete said...

Hey Todd and Cheryle,
Good start to the trip, eh?
Hope those big fuckin' bags show up.
Never got the chance to wish you well before you left so...have fun, and good luck.
Sandy and I might head up to Canmore for Mother's Day and engage in some unmentionable fun in your condo!!

heather said...

hey guys....don't you think you could just hop a little donkey and let him do the climbing???
Hope all turns out in the end...
keep up the posting...look so forward to it..

jeff Hoyle said...

don't worry guys those bags will show up because they know where they are. It's when they can't find them you start to worry. Anyway, I'm sure Cheryl has something Brad can wear until then. Jeff

heather said...

http://babelfish.altavista.com/ try this translation page

heather said...

i just looked at the bottom of this page and it looks like you can choose the LANGUAGE lengua link