Thursday, 10 May 2007

Still got no stuff...

No bags yet today... but apparently they did leave Miami - United Airlines sent them SOMEWHERE!?!? Hopefully here.

Anyway, today we went to Lake Titicaca - it was great! We got onto a bus at 7:30 this morning (we were expecting an 8am pick-up and instead got chased out of the restaurant in the middle of our breakfast by some wirey little Bolivian guy who was rounding up folks for the tour), then we drove around a large portion of LaPaz to pick up more unsuspecting tourists... by 9am, we were on the road... or at least I think that's what they call them here... and went to the small part of the lake, where we got on a boat and went out and toured two islands (Pariti and Kala Uta). It was awesome! Then we had a great lunch of fried trout (caught in the lake) and hopped the bus back to the city.

Tomorrow, we're going mountain biking from the top of Chacalayta (sp?), down into the Amazon basin - so, it now is almost time to hit the sack and get some rest. We are all still adjusting to the altitude and are kind of dragging our butts. Although, the cervesas (beer) and mojitos (yummy rum drink) may be adding to the problem??!! Ciao!!

1 comment:

heather said...

i have new bag tags for you UA940065 abd UA940066 i am calling every couple hours and get better info from New Delhi, India every call!!