Sunday, 27 May 2007

No Summit for Us

Brad and I had a great trip, however us two old men did not make it to the top of Illimani. We left Thursday for the very rough, albeit beautiful, three-and-a-half hour drive to Pinaya, which is the starting point for Illimani. Following the drive (and a quick game of futbol with the local school kids!), we made the easy hike to our first camp at Punto Roto, with horses carrying our gear. Friday morning our high-altitude porters arrived, and we completed the 5 hour hike to our high camp located at around 5300 meters. The porters are amazing men - at all of 130 lbs. - they hiked our 60 lb. packs to high camp in their SANDALS!! The next morning we left our tent at 3 AM and made it to around 6200 meters before deciding that our tired bodies were not moving fast enough to make the summit safely. A little disappointing, but as the old cliche goes - it is not the destination, but the journey that counts. Thanks to Mario Chura for organizing our transport, porters, and for letting us stay at his home in Pinaya on our way out.



Troy said...

B-Rad, I think that it is amazing that you and Todd have had the trip that many people would dream about, but never accomplish. Whether or not you two were able to make it to the summit does not seem as important as the journey. First pint is on me.

jeff Hoyle said...

I hope you guys took lots of pics. Can't wait to see them. Pick another one and try again! Maybe get those porters to carry you up to the top.....