Thursday, 31 May 2007

Back in La Paz...

So, here we are, back in La Paz for the last four days of our trip. Oruro was... well, there aren't alot of words necessary to describe it. It was an 'experience', for lack of a better term. We returned to La Paz a day ahead of schedule... the 'best sport climbing crag in Bolivia' left a little bit to be desired... the hotel wasn't exactly charming... and Todd and Cheryle were indifferent about checking out the hot springs, so poor Brad got jipped and had to leave without seeing them. He's a real trooper - never complains about anything - and it can be a serious challenge at times, travelling with Todd and Cheryle. He was a little bit shocked however, to see a bus with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks logo pasted to the back window - in ORURO of all places!! It got him deep, especially since the Ducks are ahead of Ottawa in the playoff series!

Anyway, maybe a museum or two will be on the agenda for Friday, and some last-minute shopping, then we'll partake in the El Gran Poder festivities on Saturday, and possibly we'll catch a soccer game on Sunday. Then... north we will go! Monday at 7am we leave La Paz, hopefully in time for summer back home!

1 comment:

heather said...

Tell Brad he missed a good game but we have it on TIVO if you guys want to swing by on your way back and watch the Senators skate flat footed the last period?! Enjoy LaPaz these last few days, and check out a library for me, I want to know how old their books are!! Keep the scenery pictures coming I love to see the culture there!!