Friday, 25 May 2007

Around La Paz

Posted by Cheryle: Yesterday I spent the day with my friend Esther, who is from Switzerland. I met her while we were all in the Condoriri area - she is an Economist-slash-mountaineer and is halfway through her 4-month trip around South America. We checked out several interesting museums, shopped a little, toured up and down some colorful streets, and people-watched at a busy square which contained more pigeons than I have ever seen in my life! It was a great day - especially since Esther is fluent in about 5 languages, including Espanol!! Her translating services were hugely appreciated and I even learned a few new words and phrases!

Today I took a guided tour to the ruins at Tiwanaku, which is about 75km from La Paz. After the usual mass confusion was straightened out this morning (i.e. overcoming the language barrier, navigating thru traffic jammed streets), I found myself squashed in a van with 12 other people, hurtling down the highway towards a major archaelogical site. Overall, the trip was well worth the effort. Only a small portion of the area has been excavated, but the history is interesting and the exposed monoliths and walls are cool.

Todd and Brad will be leaving their chilly tent in the snow at about midnight tonight, in their attempt to summit Illimani. It will take them about 12 hours round trip. I hope all is going well for them - I'm sure it is, as they are both totally competent. I look forward to seeing them on Sunday and hearing all about it!

Tomorrow, I think I'll sleep in... then perhaps I'll lollygag up and down the streets near our hostel, looking at what the vendors are selling and I'll maybe buy some souvenirs. So get your requests in soon! Or be prepared to pretend you absolutely LOVE the llama wool toque I got for you!! Heh heh heh...


heather said...

Wow those pictures are so amazing, I found a website that can enlarge pictures on like a canvas so these are going on the walls of my new office!! Glad you are able to experience the culture! Miss you, HF

elmo said...

Glad to hear your are sightseeing.
Those pictures are awesome and that little boy is soo cute-was he a tourist?
And those toques would be lovely!!
Keep your pictures coming...luv ya

Doreen_Keith said...

Glad to see all is well, you seem to be having a great time, many new things to see, the pictures are really great, the children all look so happy. it is great to be able to see what you are up to, hey less worry for mom!!We are off to see Grandma learn, flying to Kelowna June/01 for a few days
